Manifestacija Salon arhitekture je najznačajniji događaj koje DaNS organizuje kao redovnu programsku aktivnost, i to u kontinuitetu od 1993. godine. Salon arhitekture je revijalni i takmičarski susret arhitektonske produkcije na lokalnom, državnom i međunarodnom nivou. Na Salonu arhitekture se dodeljuju nagrade i priznanja u nekoliko različitih kategorija. Salon se od 2009. godine organizuje u bijenalnom ritmu. Od 2016. godine Salon arhitekture Novi Sad je definitivno međunarodnog karaktera. Od tada cilj novosadskog Salona arhitekture jeste da se pozicionira kao mesto regionalne revije arhitektonske produkcije. Stoga, u konkurenciji za sve nagrade Salona konkurišu radovi nastali ili realizovani na prostoru bivših jugoslovenskih republika, kao i Mađarske i Rumunije. U cilju promovisanja dobre arhitektonske prakse u Vojvodini, posebno priznanje Salona dodeljuje se radovima realizovanim na ovom području.

Usled epidemiološke situacije ovogodišnje izdanje Salona arhitekture biće održano u online verziji. To znači da će na posebno dizajniranom website-u biti prikazana selekcija arhitektonskih projekata iz regiona. Na ovogodišnji Salon dobili smo prijave 236 projekata iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Slovenije, Mađarske i Rumunije.

Uz nadu da će budući Saloni ponovo biti i mesta okupljanja i druženja arhitekata, verujemo da će digitalno izdanje Salona doneti veću vidljivost izložbi i promociji selektovanih projekata.

The Salon of Architecture manifestation is the most significant event that DaNS has continually been organizing as a regular program activity since 1993. The Salon of architecture is a partly competitive encounter of architectural production on a local, state, and international level. Awards and acknowledgments are awarded at the Salon of Architecture in numerous different categories. The Salon has been organized in a biennial rhythm since 2009. Since 2016, the Salon of Architecture Novi Sad has definitely been international. Since then, the aim of the Salon of architecture Novi Sad has been to position itself as a place for a regional show of architectural production. Therefore, all work realized or designed in the territory of the former Yugoslav republics, as well as Hungary and Romania, qualify for the Grand Prix of the Salon. With the aim of promoting good architecture practice in Vojvodina, a special honorable acknowledgment is awarded to a project realized in this territory.

In light of the epidemiological situation, this year’s edition of the Salon of Architecture will be held online. This means that the selection of architectural projects from the region will be shown on a specially designed website. This year, we have received 236 submissions from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Hungary, and Romania. In the hope that the future Salons will once again also be places for the gathering and socializing of architects, we believe that the digital edition of the Salon will bring greater visibility of the exhibition and promotion of the selected projects.