Konkursni radovi
Competition Works
Starogradski kompleks “Borino Vranje” // Oldtown Complex “Borino Vranje”kc34
Centralno spomen obilježje svim poginulim braniteljima opkoljenog Sarajeva 1992 - 1995 // Central Monument for All of the Deceased Defenders of the Surrounded Sarajevo 1992 - 1995kc01
Multifunkcionalna dvorana / kongresni centar u Banjoj Luci // Multifunctional Hall / Congress Center in Banja Lukakc06
Multifunkcionalna dvorana/kongresni centar u Banjoj Luci - Međunarodni konkurs 1. nagrada // Multifunctional Hall/Congress Center in Banja Luka - International Competition 1st prizekc07
Zgrada ansambla narodnih igara i pesama Srbije - Kolo ; Otvoreni javni konkurs - 3. nagrada // Kolo National Ensemble Building; Open Public Call - 3rd Prizekc08
Idejno rešenje Muzeja Arhitekture u Berlinu // Conceptual Solution for the Museum of Architecture in Berlinkc09
Pletući zajedno - Urbana regeneracija bivše industrijske zone Gässlösa, u Borasu, Švedska // Weaving Together - Urban Regeneration of the Former Industrial Area Gässlösa, in Boras, Swedenkc10
Dani prošle budućnosti - urbana regeneracija bivše industrijske zone Myran, u Enkopingu, Švedska // Days of future past - urban regeneration of the former industrial area Myran, in Enkoping, Swedenkc11
Prirodni povraćaj lučne oblasti u Turku, Finska // Natural Reclaiming of the Port Area Turku, Finlandkc12
Nova zgrada Narodnog muzeja u Nišu // New Building of the National Museum in Niškc13
Plutajuće kuće u Kiribatiju // Kiribati Floating houseskc14
Multifunkcionalna dvorana i kongresni centar Banja Luka // Multifunctional Hall and Congress Center Banja Lukakc15
bazen Dubrava // Dubrava Poolkc17
Centar za autizam // Center for Autismkc18
Park Gradackc20
Naziv konkursnog rada: “VEČERAS, VIDIM SUTRAŠNJICU” / Naziv konkursa: Urbanističko-arhitektonski konkurs za idejno rešenje uređenja površina javne namene dela gradskog jezgra u Novom Sadu // Title of the Competition Entry: “AND TONIGHT I SEE TOMORROW” / Title of the Competition: Urban-Architectural Competition for the Conceptual Solution for the Design of Public Spaces of a part of the Novi Sad City Corekc24
Konkurs za “Idejno rešenje Multifunkcionalne sportske dvorane i zatvorenih bazena” // Competition for “Conceptual Solution for the Multifunctional Hall and Indoor Pools”kc29
Most kulture - od tradicionalnog ka digitalnom // Cultural Bridge - from traditional to digitalkc30
Idejno rešenje multifunkcionalne dvorane / kongresnog centra u Banja Luci // Conceptual Solution for the Multifunctional Hall / Congress Center in Banja Lukakc31
Spanjola Creative Hubkc32
Cerovo Creative Hubkc33
Ćilim // Kilimkc35
Projekat škole u Africi // Africa School Projectkc36
Rečni kvart Zenica // River Block and Walk Zenicakc37
“6. april” (Konkurs: Rešenje spomen hrama i parternog uređenja na mestu krsnog znamenja stradalima prilikom bomborovanja 6. aprila 1941. godine u porti Vaznesenjskog hrama) // “April 6th” (Competition: Design of the Memorial Temple and the Urban Design at the Location of the Baptismal Sign for the Deceased During the April 6th 1941. Bombardment in the Port of the Ascension Temple)kc38
Venac baštine // Heritage Wreathkc39
Кonkurs za izradu urbanističko-arhitektonskog rešenja dela centra i neposredne okoline u naselju Leposavić, sa izradom idejnog rešenja parternog uređenja nove lokacije spomen-obeležja žrtvama NATO bombardovanja 1999. godine // Competition for the Urban-Architectural Solution of the Centre and the Surroundings of the Leposavić Settlement, with the Creation of a Conceptual Solution of the Parter Design for the New Location of the Memorial of the Victims of the NATO Bombing in 1999.kc41
Međunarodni opšti javni КONKURS za izradu idejnog urbanističko-arhitektonskog rješenja centralne pješačke zone u Banjoj Luci // International General Public Competition for the Conceptual Solution of the Urban-Architectural Design of the Central Pedestrian Zone in Banja Lukakc42
Adaptacija vojnog kompleksa “CEROVO” sa ciljem uspostavljanja Centra za razvijanje kreativnih industrija (HUB) u Bijelom Polju// THE ADAPTATION of the “CEROVO” military complex with the purpose of establishing a Center for the development of creative industries (HUB) in Bijelo Polje